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Kai-hsiu Chen

Floral evolution and ecology

I'm a researcher on plant mating, sexual, and pollination systems. Specifically, using empirical approaches, I am interested in understanding how selection operates on flowers through their female and male functions. Keywords of my research interests are sex allocation, sexual antagonism, life-history tradeoff, andromonoecy, and alpine plants.


Currently, I am a PostDoc in John Pannell group at the University of Lausanne, Switzerland.



  • 2024/07/31 New paper in Journal of Ecology [DOI]

  • 2024/05/20 New paper in Alpine Botany [DOI]

  • 2024/03/19 Awarded as the ''best oral presentation'' in ESJ71 [Video

  • 2024/03/16 ESJ71 meeting in Yokohama, Japan 

  • 2024/02/19 Personal website open!

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